Saying Bye Bye to Subscriptions by Email

An unbearable sad news for email subscribers of this blog.

Unfortunately, Google decides to shut down the email subscription feature of Feedburner (which is what powers the email subscription feature for all blogs on Blogger, including this one).

This means that if you were subscribed by email to receive updates on new posts, that is going to stop from July this year. I dunno of any free alternatives to this service, so unless we finds one that works (and I really don't like relying on more third parties because they come at the expense of  making new accounts headaches and maybe privacy concerns for some readers as this would mean subscribing your email i.d. through yet another third party service) this means that I has to say bye bye to the email subscription feature of this blog.

Anyway, you'd still be receiving emails from this blog till July, until Feedburner shuts down this feature.

We recently received this notification from Blogger :

FollowByEmail widget (Feedburner) is going away
You are receiving this information because your blog uses the FollowByEmail widget (Feedburner).
Recently, the Feedburner team released a system update announcement , that the email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021. 

After July 2021, your feed will still continue to work, but the automated emails to your subscribers will no longer be supported.

So, the alternative for those who used this feature is to BOOKMARK or remember the link of Gent Bear blog's Home page in your web browser and manually visiting this website by yourself to see new posts each day or at any frequency you wish.

The link (URL) to Gent Bear Blog's Home page is

The site feed URLs for Gent Bear Blog are :
(Note that the feedburner links will still work in case you're subscribing the RSS or Atom feeds in a feed reader. They're only discontinuing their email subscription feature. If you don't know or use feed readers, then don't worry. Just bookmark or save the link of Gent Bear's Homepage in web browser or somewhere you save your links. You have to manually visit this website's home page each day to see new posts.

I hopes we can bear the loss of this feature. 🐻


  1. Glad I am not a regular here. Fb sends email notices even though I do check in everyday for the latest.

  2. This is drmickeyg from GoComics, writing to say that the BCN crowd misses you!

    1. I have so much to do everyday online and then there is real life. I read BCN and only sometimes look in at the VOLUMINOUS Comments. Great strip too !

    2. I gather you were addressing the Bear but just in case...


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